At my church in the Miami area, I am a part of a team that ministers each Monday night at a homeless shelter. We conduct a worship service and then serve a meal to the persons who, at least for a while, are displaced. Recently during one of our services, I had something jolt me during praise and worship. And it so spoke to my heart that I thought I’d share it with you here. I hope that you are blessed by it.
The persons at the shelter are homeless and most of them have a range of serious issues that they contend with. Issues such as drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, mental illness are not uncommon among them. Then there are others who one might describe as victims of challenging economic times. Their lives were going just fine and then as a result of loss of jobs or other unforeseen circumstances, they find themselves homeless. Sometimes, entire families find themselves in this heart-breaking situation.
One night, I noticed that as we were leading praise and worship, some of these persons were in a real place of worship. Then there were others who were just bystanders – watching the “show” without entering into God’s presence. Then it hit me! Why does God seem to move mountains for some while not for others? The answer became clear: our power is in our praise!
I, then, had the awesome privilege of sharing the message a few weeks later. The Lord challenged me to challenge them to praise Him despite their circumstances. Some only believe that we praise God for what He has done for us in the past. So many may feel that He allowed them to lose their homes or their families and find themselves dependent on the shelter to survive so as a result, they see nothing to praise Him for. But I encouraged them to praise Him for who He is. And in praising Him with all of their hearts, He hears them and is moved to come to their aid.
You see, sometimes we think that because we find ourselves in a dark place, God has let us down. We might even lose our trust and confidence in Him and as a result we do not “enter in” and praise Him as we are commanded to in His Word (Read Psalm 150). But, my friend, let me tell you that it is in the praises that we lift up to Him that He manifests Himself and shows Himself strong on our behalf. 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
Time would fail me if I began to testify to you about some life experiences that have taught me this lesson. What I am saying to you is not simply something that I read – it’s something that I’ve experienced. When we bring a sacrifice of praise, it touches Him to move on our behalf. A sacrifice, by definition, costs us something. When we feel let down, forsaken, betrayed, disappointed, yet we conjure up the energy to sing His praises, heaven takes notice and angels are dispatched on our behalf.
Psalm 37:4 tells us, “Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” We read further in Psalm 22:3 that He inhabits our praises. So when we praise Him, He shows up and is present in our situation. And when He is present, He is there to bless!
I don’t claim that all of this is easy. From experience, I know that it can be a challenge. But as I look back on the more than 25 years in my journey with God, the times when I have lost myself in worship are when He’s proven Himself to be the strongest. The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “When I am weak, I am strong.”
So, my friend, as you encounter your daily challenges, make sure you give God the praises due unto Him. He shows up in our weakest moments and shows us that He is Lord of all! Hold on to His unchanging hand and watch Him work in the midst of your every experience!
Be blessed!
Rodrick Walters