Welcome to the inaugural post on the Word Life Connection blog! We’re all about Changing Your World with the Word of God! This project has been years in the making and as you’ll read in this and future posts, I’m fully convinced that this vision is a life changing force that will empower men, women and children with the word of God and in turn, they will live successful, effective lives of purpose.
I strongly believe that when we as Christians learn how to effectively implement principles from the Bible in our everyday lives, we will live more victoriously. I may not know you or your individual journey but your Maker, your Manufacturer, if you will, knows you and everything about you and He has orchestrated a master plan for your life.
It’s my desire that this blog and the organization we have formed to carry out the vision that I write about will serve as catalysts to help you to live a life of meaning and of purpose. Life isn’t always a bed of roses, as the expression goes, but I think that when we learn that we were never meant to walk through this journey alone, we will embrace the principles of the Word of God and begin to experience what Rick Warren writes about in the book, The Purpose Driven Life.
In future posts I will outlay the 20 plus years’ journey that has led to the launching of this project. It’s a vision that I have had for an extended period. And might I say it’s a burden that I have carried – a burden because I’ve wanted to share this message for a long time. But the timing was never right before now. When I initially had the vision to launch such a project, I knew that it would entail much work to see it fulfilled. I was a young business school graduate seeking to make my mark in the corporate world. I knew that I needed the practical experience of living out the message before I could talk to others about it. In a sense, I needed to be trained for the job.
When I began putting the pieces in place, there was no Facebook or Twitter; no social media or anything that seems so commonplace today. Still, I began methodically putting pieces in place to take this journey. I had a life-altering experience with our Holy God and became increasingly convinced that it was His desire for me to share His goodness with others through such an organization.
My own life story was enough to let me know that He could make beauty from ashes. I wanted to share the message that regardless of one’s life circumstances, God can work wonders and give everyone their own personally customized testimony. That encounter with Him so many years ago changed the direction of my life and I know that He is still at work, changing lives and drawing people of all ages to Himself to bring them into alignment with His plan for their lives.
I’m convinced that the words that you’ll read here on this blog are loaded with power because they are way above me. By myself, I don’t have the insight, the intellect and vocabulary to alter the course of someone’s life. But I know that God uses people in different ways and if they are yielded to Him, He can use them simply as conduits to share His goodness. So with this in mind, I boldly share these words; and this much I can promise you – if you listen to the voice of God speaking to your heart as you read these words and the words on future posts, you will find that they are not merely words, they are “wonderful words of life” as the old hymn says.
God’s Word transforms us and empowers us to do great things for Him. This is the reason I’m overjoyed that you’ve taken the time to read this. This project is entirely about God and the relationship that He desires to have with you. His Word can truly penetrate your heart and mind and build you up and enable you to walk in victory.
I believe with all of my heart that now is the time to bring this vision to reality – the timing is right; the technology is right; everything is in place for this message to spread to all corners of the world. And the beautiful thing is that it is the Spirit of God who cultivates the ground – preparing the hearts and minds of His people. I just have to play my part and plant the seed through the words I share and through the work our organization does. But it is God who nurtures the seed to see it grow into a tree of life.
I won’t get much into the details of the vision with this post. I just wanted to welcome you formally to this journey on which we’re about to embark. Please do share our vision with others you believe would benefit from it. Each of us can stand to benefit from learning how to effectively bridge the gap between the Word of God and the daily lives that we live.
I believe that as you follow our posts and the different things we do as an organization, you will be blessed. Jesus says in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received, freely give.”As you receive a blessing through this blog, do pass it on and share, if you would. Please bookmark it too and share be it through social media or other means.
In Psalm 118:23 we read, “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” It is indeed His doing and I very much look forward to all that He will do as we follow His lead. I do believe that He will exceed the great things I’m already expecting of Him. I hope that you sense the excitement because it is real and tangible! It’s an awesome privilege to be a part of the process of what God is doing. It’s simply a thrill to know that lives will be enhanced through our efforts.
Come back to this site often because new, wonderful, exciting things lie ahead! It is indeed the Lord’s doing and it shall be marvelous in our eyes!
God bless you richly.