
Coming Back from Life’s Setback

Not long ago, economies around the world experienced a global recession, the kind that has not been seen in several generations. Not since the Great Depression has the world been so shaken economically. The effects of that crisis has been far reaching and have truly caused great turmoil in many lives.

Many believers have been directly impacted by this crisis. Some of us may have dealt with foreclosure, repossession, unemployment and so on. Perhaps your once stellar credit rating has been ruined. Perhaps you’ve had to deal with divorce and the financial impact that such an experience can bring. And just like these personal crises didn’t happen overnight, recovering from them is certainly not an overnight process. My hope with this post is to encourage us with the empowering promises in the Word of God.

I believe that with the very deep valleys in which we find ourselves at times, God wants to show His great strength and might. He wants us to know that He’s not a distant, out of touch being who does not care about the very real sufferings in this world. Instead, He wants us to know that He is still the same yoke-breaking, burden-releasing, God who still restores His people. And the beauty with God is that when He restores us, He doesn’t just bring us back to where we were – He increases His anointing on our lives and propels so much further ahead than we would have been without the setback.

Have you been one of the victims of the economic turmoil? If so, be encouraged; God has not forgotten you. 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us: “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him.” Invite God into your situation and trust Him to turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrows into joyful songs.

I’m thoroughly convinced that He still moves mightily when we turn over the reins of our lives to Him; He leads and guides us through every twist and turn and restores us. And when He does, He gives us the platform to tell others of His true greatness.

So be encouraged – God will take you to greater heights than we’ve ever gone. He is God and when we embrace His revealed Word, it is made manifest in us and through us. And the beautiful thing is that it’s all for His glory. As long as we give the honor to Him, He will perfect that which He has begun in us.

Here’s to a great comeback! Every blessing on your journey!

Rodrick Walters