I became a believer just before starting my career so, in many ways, I see my Christianity and my profession as two complementary forces walking side by side as I seek to live for Jesus. They each have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and have been in the profession since the early 90s. I’ve worked with various organizations over the years, including one of the Big 4 CPA firms and one of the world’s largest investment firms. I also established my own firm, serving clients by doing accounting, taxes and consulting.
In my Christian life, over the years, I have increasingly become involved in church work. I preach, teach and play the piano/keyboard. I’ve had the privilege of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in different settings – sometimes within the 4 walls of the church, at other times, in schools, in jails and other places. I’m now at the initial stages of becoming an ordained minister in my denomination. Indeed, my walk with the Lord has been the most fulfilling experience of my life.
Now then, here’s the purpose of this blog post. For years, I have pondered the question: How can I be an effective witness of the gospel in my daily vocation without becoming overbearing and a distraction on the job? It’s an important question that I believe many Christians struggle with.
You see, in Matthew 28:19-20 we are given what has become known as the Great Commission: “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” In effect, that tells us as believers that our Christianity is not limited to the confines of our churches. We are called to take this gospel to the entire world – from our homes, to our schools, workplaces, cities, states, countries and any place we might ever go. And with technology these days, one doesn’t even need to leave home to have a worldwide impact in sharing the Good News. This call doesn’t only apply to pastors and church leaders – it applies to every believer.
So how can we become effective witnesses in the workplace when, in many ways, it can jeopardize our job security? If we become overbearing and try to make Christians out of our bosses and co-workers, we can easily become distractions to the development and growth of our organizations. Perhaps you or someone you know have dealt with the negative consequences of trying to witness in the workplace. Maybe you even know of some who have lost their jobs in the process of trying to live out the Great Commission when they’re supposed to be meeting deadlines in their demanding schedules.
Over the years, I have struggled with reconciling how to share my core beliefs as a Christian while becoming the best professional I can be. I know that sharing my faith is part of the reason that I live; yet, I also recognize that many are not open to learning of the joy that I have come to know since I started serving the Lord. After the long struggle, I think I have finally discovered the most effective way to become a witness in workplace. The root text that supports my understanding comes from a verse I have known since childhood: Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.”
How beautiful a verse this is! Notice that it says nothing about speaking – or about having the Bible in hand. It says simply, let your light shine. I couldn’t have said it better.
My friend, in the workplace, people don’t need to see Bibles on our desks to know that we are believers. They don’t need to see us pray before we eat to know that we have a relationship with God. I believe that as Christians, the most effective way for us to share the gospel is to say very little. What do I mean by that? Well, I’ll put it to you this way: several years ago I heard a pastor say, “Preach the gospel always; if necessary, use words.” In other words, the way you live your life says so much more about your Christianity than words that you might say.
When you’re at church, it’s easy to be holy and righteous because you’re in an environment where that is the norm – or at least, it should be. In the workplace, however, the practices are quite often in conflict with the basic tenets of our faith. The language that is used and the things that are done are often contrary to the life we are called to live. Some might even think that it’s better to get away from the work world if we are to live lives that are pleasing to God.
I understand all of that. Still, as believers, that doesn’t have to become our mode of conduct. In Romans 12:2 the Apostle Paul write, “Be not conformed any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” We don’t have to follow the crowd and subscribe to the same rules that help them to advance. We are called to a higher standard – one in which the Spirit of God lives in us and through us.
I once worked with a gentleman who says he’s a believer. He got saved and baptized and started his journey with the Lord. Yet, he routinely curses like a drunken sailor. He’s a chain smoker and is very much a womanizer. I’m not trying to judge him but his lifestyle causes me to wonder how effective his witness is. Perhaps if he yields himself to the Holy Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit becomes evident in his life, he’ll be one whose life God turns around so he can effectively witness – not so much by words but by the change that the Holy Spirit causes. So Matthew 5:16 could become manifested in his life as his light shines before his coworkers and they see the change in him and be then led to glorify our Father in heaven.
St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:2 that we are to be “living epistles, known and read by all men.” Our lives should be so much on display that those around us would be drawn to the light that shines in us. We shouldn’t have to tell people that we’re Christians. If we live the lives we’re called to live, we need to say very little. And because God is faithful, He’ll open windows of opportunity for us to share our faith to those who observe our conduct and recognize the beauty that shines through us. That’s how we win others to the Kingdom of God!
I cannot tell you the number of people I’ve had the privilege of witnessing to – all as a result of the life I seek to live. Routinely, I’ll get prayer requests on the job for different issues. My former co-worker who I referred to above called me his “God-broker”. He says he doesn’t really have much of a relationship with God so if he needs prayer, he’ll come asking me to pray for him. I encourage Him to develop a closer walk with God so that He can have the connection that’s the life blood of each believer.
I have had the special privilege of working with some wonderful organizations and I have known some really intelligent, hard-working people. And as I’ve sought to become a silent witness, the Lord has opened so many doors for me to share His goodness with many of these who I’ve worked with. In 1 Peter 3:15 we read, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” So by the life that I live, I’ve had many opportunities to share my faith and through that alone, I’ve been able to win many to Christ. I believe that’s how God would have us witness in the workplace.
If you’re a working Christian, I hope that this has been an encouragement to you as you seek to live out the Great Commission. The life you live says much more about you than the words you say. We live in this world but we’re not of this world. We are called to a higher standard – one that is not easily attained. But God is with us as we seek to live this life. Pray that He would lead and guide you so that others would be drawn to Him through the quality of the life that you live. In other words, pray that Matthew 5:16 would become your mantra.
Let’s live so that, as our lights shine, others would be drawn to the Spirit of God that resides on the inside of you and me.
Have a blessed day,
Rodrick Walters